Faith » Service Hours

Service Hours

At the heart of our mission at Bonner & Prendie is the idea of Service.

Monsignor Bonner and Archbishop Prendergast Catholic High School is a distinctive community of learners rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are committed to providing a comprehensive, quality education within an environment of acceptance, respect and love. We are committed to the development of the complete person in the service of others. Challenged and guided by time honored traditions, we are committed to a future that enriches the lives of our students with the values and skills necessary to navigate the changing world of tomorrow.

Therefore, we require all students to participate in Christian service as a way to live out our mission. St. Francis said, “Be the good news always and use words if necessary.” That is the primary objective of this service. We want our students to be intentional and reflective about the service that they do in our school community and the community beyond.

Christian Service Details
  • All students are to perform a minimum of 10 hours of community service each school year, of which 5 must be to the wider community outside of BP. This service can be completed anywhere and for anyone, off campus or on campus. We encourage our students to look first to their local church and see where they can be of service. After that, we encouraged students to follow this simple process:
    • -Identify an issue that speaks to your heart.
    • -Find where your talents can benefit others.
    • -Be the change you wish to see in the world!
  • Students will track and log their service hours via our service platform MobileServe.  All students have an existing account linked to their school email; accounts can be claimed by resetting the password. When logging hours, students must include the date, number of hours, organization name, supervisor name and email, as well as a brief summary of the service for it to be approved. Official school service opportunities will also be posted in MobileServe.
  • All hours must be verified by an adult supervisor who can attest to the service being completed before they are approved. An email is sent to the supervisor to approve hours automatically when the event is logged in MobileServe.
  • Students are encouraged to reach out to faculty, staff, administration, coaches, pastors and others to find out ways to help. Students are to ask themselves, “Is what I am doing helping someone else?” If they can answer "Yes"​, then count it towards his or her service hours.
We want our students to be intentional and reflective in their service of others. If you have questions about service hours, MobileServe, or would like to suggest ideas for service, please reach out to Mr. Schartz, our campus minister, or Fr. Raymundo, our school chaplain. Directions for students on logging hours are posted on the bulletin board outside the ministry office.