Academic Forms
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NHS Tutor Information and Request Form
If a student is struggling in any subject we encourage the student to request a tutor from the National Honor Society (NHS). NHS tutors are current juniors and seniors that have successfully completed the requested course and in most cases with the same subject teacher. Requesting a NHS tutor does not mean a student is failing a given course, only struggling. Complete the form below.
Change of Address Form
It is very important to inform Academic Affairs of any changes in your address, phone numbers and email addresses. This notification must be filled out by a parent or legal guardian; when completing the form you will be asked for a photo ID. If a parent or legal guardian cannot come to Academic Affairs, you may email Mrs. Patty Martin at [email protected] from an email address already on file. Please specify the student's name, parent's name and all information to be changed; please include what information must be deleted.
Field Trip Request and Permission Form