The following information about Monsignor Bonner & Archbishop Prendergast Catholic High School's (MBAP) engagement and development programs, its alumni, donors and prospects, is confidential and propietary to MBAP and shall not be used or disclosed by me except as authorized by MBAP and at all times only on a need-to-know basis and only in connection with my authorized work for MBAP:
- contact information, including email addresses, names, home or businss addresses and phone numbers
- giving interests
- giving categories
- giving history
- MBAP development plans and strategies
- other information that would reasonably be considered, or designated from time-to-time by MBAP, as confidential.
I also understand and agree to the following:
- I will ensure the information I receive is kept secure from any unauthorized access, which includes preventing access by others to my to my computer files, paper files or other media which contains MBAP information.
- I will return any such information in my possession at any time upon the request of MBAP (including any copies in any form or format) or I will destroy all of it (and confirm such destruction in writing to MBAP) if that is the request of MBAP.
- I will cooperate with MBAP to stop any unauthorized use or disclosure of such information.
- I am provided with information in strict confidence to enable me to perform my functions as a volunteer/committee member and for no other reasons.