Entire School Experiences "Cabrini"

Q: What made administrators decide to take the entire school to see "Cabrini" in theaters?

A: "Students had the opportunity to see the movie Cabrini in theatres through a grant from the Ambassador’s Fund for Catholic Education, the successor name to the Archdiocesan Educational Fund. This charitable organization was created and funded by Matthew H. McCloskey, Jr. (1893-1973), building contractor and U.S. Ambassador to Ireland (1962-64), in 1967 to advance Catholic education and evangelization throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia."

Q: What was this experience like for students?

A: "It's a really powerful film chronicles the life and legacy of Mother Cabrini, a Catholic nun renowned for her tireless dedication to serving others. Students' response to the film was overwhelmingly positive. Despite their initial hesitations about watching a religious film, they were captivated by the production's quality and moved by the resilience of Mother Cabrini."

Q: How was this experience integrated into classroom curriculum?

A: "Before the screening, our school's theology classes delved into the significance of Mother Cabrini's mission. After students watched the movie, they did post-activities in the classrooms to reflect on the movie's themes. This prompted many discussions about perseverance and the evolving role of women within society and the Church.":

Q: What did students learn from watching the film?

A: "The film was more than entertainment. It served as a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit. It also catalyzed meaningful conversations about our Catholic faith and gave students a newfound appreciation for Mother Cabrini's extraordinary legacy."