Admissions » International Students

International Students

Students applying for International admission must submit the following required documents are part of the Admissions Process. Students may be required to enlist with a CSEIT program; referenced on the right-hand side under the drop-down contents.
  • Archdiocese of Philadelphia and OCE Forms - I-20 Supportive document for International Students 
  • Immunization Records - The School Nurse needs a copy to confirm that all shots are up-to-date for all international applicants.
The following steps must be completed by all incoming applicants, and can be found on the Admissions Steps tab.
  • Bonner & Prendie Application - Be sure to specify male/female and year of high school graduation.
  • Transcripts/Records - Transferring students must provide ALL high school transcripts, even if they repeated a class/year prior to being accepted.
Information on tuition and fees for International Students can be found below.